Thursday, May 14, 2009

The past hours

Greetings Earthlings.

There is a story about this teacher, who has no life. Let's find out what he's been up to the past few days since the exams started.

Step 1: Marking.
Step 2: Eating.
Step 3: Sleeping.
Step 4: Shitting.
Step 5: Repeat step 1.

Oops sorry that was a bit crude. =p

Anyway, this teacher is very proud to say that he has ALMOST finished all his marking for the mid year exams! He will aim to finish before the day starts tomorrow.
Tomorrow is marking day for teachers. He hopes to go back to school to slack and do his own things while other teachers are still marking. (not laughing at them. Each has own style.)

The past day:

Went home late. Dozed off at 1230am, woke at 230am. Marked all the way till 630am before leaving for school. Watched Man utd come from behind to beat Wigan 2-1.

Morning: Invigilation till 9am. Back to office. Short nap. 945am YOG meeting. Around 11am started marking again. Kept dozing off. Marked more. Around 2pm....


Haha. Crazy.

Back at home again.

Btw I've marked all my SS students' scripts. Ok lah. Sec 4s should be doing much better lor I feel.
Sec 3 Express: -_- Gave me only one factor for SEQ. What is this man. Don't be tricked by the question.
Sec 3 NA: Not bad =p

Kk... less blogging, more marking.

Will share some SUPER HILARIOUS Letters (sec 1 letter writing) next time hahaha!

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